Sunday, May 24, 2009

How to create an Invitation

You have an event coming up and want people to come; you will clearly need an invitation.

Depending on the event depends on the style of invitations which you use. However, you firstly need to consider if you want to DIY, buy them from a stationary store or purchase them online.

Come up with a budget (everything always comes down to a budget). Invitations can be costly if you want them to be; really think about if it is worth it (you can create a great invite in ‘Microsoft Word’ for free!).

If you are having a informal birthday (such as a 19th) I suggest using word, but if you are wanting invitations for a wedding, think about getting them made professionally or DIY then with a bit more effort. For example get cream colour paper and put dimanties down one side with black printed writing (makes for a good weekend with girlfriends).

For inspirations, or if you are looking to buy, then look no further than the internet. It will never fail you. I suggest which has a very wide range of invitations. For wedding invitations I would choose However remember not to copy them word for word! If you want that particular one, just buy it.
For a birthday, the invitation needs to be upbeat, maybe a little over the top (but not to the point of glitter and balloons), such as ‘slamming pimps and hoes are to be at ma house’ or just try searching the internet for examples. If there is a theme, this needs to be portrayed in the invitation. For a wedding something more formal would be more suiting, ‘John and Kayla invite you’.

If you look around you will get an idea of what you can create or what is on offer. Details are a must, if you want people to turn up. It may seem simple, but remember to put who what when where and RSVP.

By now you should have be able to create an invitation that stands out of the crowd.

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