I have decided to start a new part of my blog titled ‘flavor of the month’. This will be where I get told a problem or would like to know how to do something and I will try to solve it.
This month I asked my friend, who also has a blog - Jacob and the Gordian knot, what did he need help with. He thought and sent me five problems that he has come across. Today I will attempt to solve just one of these problems.
Problem 1: How to get out of bed at the right time.

I always seem to be getting up too late and missing classes. I can't turn my alarm up too loud orI wake my neighbor. What do I do to make sure I get up?
This is a problem which most of us encounter at one stage or another, I know I do. Thinking just 5 more minutes, and the next thing you know its two hours later.
Don’t lie in bed and think about getting up, just do it. They more you think about it the harder it is to get up. Set only one alarm and put your clock or phone on the other side of the room. This way when it goes off you HAVE to get out of bed to turn it off. Turning on the light is a good way for you to wake up; I know that was always my father’s trick. The light will help you come out of your sleep mode.
It is important as soon as you wake up to be thinking positive thoughts. If you are thinking that you are going to have a horrible day or about all the work you have to do you won’t get out of bed, also it could mean you might have a horrible day. Happy Positive thoughts. I am Loved, I am strong, I am smart.
It is important to get enough sleep. It is a widely known fact that the recommended time for sleeping is eight hours. If you do get enough sleep you will feel rested and ready to tackle the day ahead. Also try to make sure you go to sleep on a positive note. If you are having trouble with this write down at least one good thing about yourself every night before you go to bed.
I hope this has help everyone get up and be ready to go for tomorrow.